Sunday, January 27, 2013


Richard made us this homemade pizza with a smile.

I was supposed to travel to Pittsburgh this weekend where I thought it would be a great place to get some different pictures. But alas, Mother Nature tripped me up. I'm cocky about driving in the snow because I grew up in Beckley. Southern West Virginia receives snow falls that would have Huntington shut down for days. So I headed north despite the icy conditions. Halfway through my trip, at about mile marker 94 on I-79 N, I lost control. I zigged and zagged, spun and spun, and gracefully slid into the side of the mountain. Luckily, I didn't slam into the mountain. I was not hurt. I was able to drive right out of the ditch. At the next exit, I pulled into the Sheetz and discovered a rock stuck between tire and rim. I could hear the air whistling out. My sister, who lives in Fairmont, and her boyfriend came to my rescue. We managed to fix the tire and drive back to their house for the night. Saturday morning I took my car to Sears with hopes that everything would check out okay and I could continue on my way. Everything was okay; the fix-a-flat used to patch my tire was causing my steering wheel to shake at speeds over 50 but everything was okay. However, the weather was anything but okay. It was still snowing and Pittsburgh was receiving the worst. With my bruised ego, Alisha and Richard took me in for another night.

ISO 1600, f/8, 1/20

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