Monday, April 8, 2013

Using Digital Media in my Class Curriculum

I have thought of a few ideas on using my camera in the classroom. I feel like I will use it most to take pictures of vocabulary words. When I use my own pictures to illustrate the vocabulary the students seem to respond better. The pictures usually come with a story and I can use this as a connection to culture and help the students remember better.

I have also just recently connected my classes to classes in France. The students have been emailing back and forth but I want to also start an Edmodo page to help initiate discussion using videos and pictures. Last week, I had two students ask each other what they eat for breakfast and then they looked at the camera to ask our sister class what they eat for breakfast. I want to post that video and have the students all comment on what they eat.

I would also like to take pictures and videos of my students throughout the year to create a class portfolio. I can put them all together at the end of the year to show the students how far they've come.

Thanks for a great class everyone!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Video Haiku

I enjoyed the idea this week's prompt but I wasn't hit with inspiration. I do like how my video turned out though. I wanted to make it in black and white since it was a "making memories" idea but I couldn't get the video to export out of Lightroom.

It was really easy to add the transitions and text in iMovie.

My grandmother shot a 39 in golf.

Video Haiku from Amy Lilly on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


I call it the Hula Hoop Shake. A take on the Harlem Shake. There is definitely more shaking than hula hooping but they were willing participants and that's all I can ask for. It was fun to make.

The music is from creative commons. It is by Kevin MacLeod and is called Super Polka. (

Monday, March 4, 2013


This is my home. I wanted to create the feel of someone entering and looking around. I needed it to keep it short so I didn't linger or do any close-ups. In the end I tried to give the feel of "making yourself at home." I wish I had gone with that feel the whole time. It would've been a more interesting video to watch.

This is definitely a rough cut. I sped the playback speed up to 200% to make it faster (shorter) and I cut parts out. I need to figure out how to do some transitions. The music is from creative commons. It is by Kevin MacLeod and is called Radio Martini. (

Home from Amy Lilly on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


This video can be nostalgic in two ways. For me, it was a look back at birthdays past. If I could soundtrack it, you would hear the faint sounds of children laughing and singing the Happy Birthday song. The actor in the video is nostalgic for the birthdays when he was surrounded by family and friends and birthdays were a happy occasion. For the actor, this was a nostalgic video celebrating the life and memory of Dale Earnhardt.
Please excuse the sounds of my breathing and the focus being adjusted.
A special thank you to my actor.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


The American flag is a symbol of reflection for many. As soon as I saw the flag blowing in the wind, I knew I wanted to photograph it. I really wanted to get a water reflection but the day was to grey for it.

This first photo has an extreme vignette preset added to it and a preset called Grandma's Lemonade. I liked that the extreme vignette covered the houses in the background. I downloaded these vignettes from here:

This photo has the LR auto tone preset added to it and I saturated the red some more.


This photo again has the LR auto tone preset to it and I saturated the red and the blue and put a vignette around it.


Sunday, February 10, 2013


Fresh, home-made banana bread! I like to read food blogs and pictures are important to food blogs. Because like they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words." And this banana bread is as good as it looks.

This is the Lightroom version. I upped the clarity and made the S shape.

This is the original.