Sunday, March 10, 2013


I call it the Hula Hoop Shake. A take on the Harlem Shake. There is definitely more shaking than hula hooping but they were willing participants and that's all I can ask for. It was fun to make.

The music is from creative commons. It is by Kevin MacLeod and is called Super Polka. (

Monday, March 4, 2013


This is my home. I wanted to create the feel of someone entering and looking around. I needed it to keep it short so I didn't linger or do any close-ups. In the end I tried to give the feel of "making yourself at home." I wish I had gone with that feel the whole time. It would've been a more interesting video to watch.

This is definitely a rough cut. I sped the playback speed up to 200% to make it faster (shorter) and I cut parts out. I need to figure out how to do some transitions. The music is from creative commons. It is by Kevin MacLeod and is called Radio Martini. (

Home from Amy Lilly on Vimeo.