Sunday, February 24, 2013


This video can be nostalgic in two ways. For me, it was a look back at birthdays past. If I could soundtrack it, you would hear the faint sounds of children laughing and singing the Happy Birthday song. The actor in the video is nostalgic for the birthdays when he was surrounded by family and friends and birthdays were a happy occasion. For the actor, this was a nostalgic video celebrating the life and memory of Dale Earnhardt.
Please excuse the sounds of my breathing and the focus being adjusted.
A special thank you to my actor.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


The American flag is a symbol of reflection for many. As soon as I saw the flag blowing in the wind, I knew I wanted to photograph it. I really wanted to get a water reflection but the day was to grey for it.

This first photo has an extreme vignette preset added to it and a preset called Grandma's Lemonade. I liked that the extreme vignette covered the houses in the background. I downloaded these vignettes from here:

This photo has the LR auto tone preset added to it and I saturated the red some more.


This photo again has the LR auto tone preset to it and I saturated the red and the blue and put a vignette around it.


Sunday, February 10, 2013


Fresh, home-made banana bread! I like to read food blogs and pictures are important to food blogs. Because like they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words." And this banana bread is as good as it looks.

This is the Lightroom version. I upped the clarity and made the S shape.

This is the original.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


I failed taking pictures on manual. I was having trouble with the exposure. So these were the best ones I got. None of these were taken on manual. The second and third pictures were taken with the Sigma lens. There aren't very interesting pictures to look at but I liked seeing the difference between the two. The first picture is the one I chose to submit for critiquing. Two students "gnomed" my yard on Friday night. I loved it. 

f8, 1/4000, ISO 1600

f4, 1/320, ISO 1600

                                                                  f4, 1/80, ISO1600